Thursday, November 11, 2010


Well, I went to Wangsa Walk with my sis to watch premiere screening of Skyline. The movie was AWSOME. Hmm, what should I rate you? 7/10? Probably that's WAY too much! 

All I can say is, the movie is rather confusing, you have to work a little for your brain in order to know the plot. Again, the plot itself is upside down, confuse the audience even more. The starting is like the near-climax-stage already. Seriously, this movie either lack of production fee, or they want audience to anticipate for the next episode (or rather, the next episode will never exist). What I like about the movie was because they uses the concept of human brain. WARNING, SPOILER ALERT. The robots (as you can see in the trailer) are to somehow collect your brains and use it to power their machines. Maybe because we, human didn't completely uses the power of our brains. Research shows that normal human beings use only 2-3% of the human's brain power while those people such as Einstein or so uses only up to 5%. Imagine we could fully use our brain, what could it be? Levitating power? Haha!

Anyway, I didn't take photos. First reason is because I forgotten to bring my camera (or I was too lazy? XD). Second is, I don't want my readers to suffer for bad quality picture and get their eyes sore of my powderful handphone camera. Third is, THERE ARE NOTHING TO TAKE PICTURE FOR (sorry Robb, if you see this :D)

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