Friday, November 26, 2010


Sorry for not updating for a few days, I was a busy man. Have to work for 8 hours a day. After come back from work, too tired to do anything at all. So didn't update my blog haha. Anyway, some short notes on what I did yesterday.

Yesterday I went to Time Square with my other 6 pals. We went to watch Rapunzel. Very interesting movie. It feels like I'm watching High School Musical. The whole movie was great, full of enjoyment and laughter. But when it comes to the singing part, definitely a no no to me. The romance part? Well, not currently in my field yet. Before we went to watch the show at 3.30, we survey around the shops. I even tried one shirt (but didn't manage to bring it back home, cause you know. I'm broke). I look good in it, do I?

After the movie, the other 6 pals of mine went back and left me all alone. I walked alone to Lowyat Plaza to get some stuff which is basically my old phone. I give people to repair it. When I was halfway there (TS>Lowyat), the wind suddenly blows VIGOROUSLY. I feel like I could be carried away too, NOT! I was stucked in between the bridge and Lowyat. Well luckily I have a hoodie, so I wear my hoodie and run towards Lowyat. Wasn't a bad experience though, although now I think I caught a cold already. 

Now, going back to TS is a bigger problem. It rains even heavily than just now. All I could do is walk around, see some handphones, laptops, mouse and leng luis games. I'm gonna skip this part till the night part. At night, my sister and her friends (and I) watched the Lelio Popo movie. Its a movie made locally with assistance from Singapore. Henry Thia was there. He looks pretty old though. Ah Niu was there too. Right after he went off the Gala Premiere stage, a lot (or two) reporters surrounded him. And a few more comes after that. I didn't manage to take any photos at all cause by this time my phone has ran out of battery. They say Amber Chia was there too though. I'm not too sure cause I don't recognize all the local celebrities. Anyway, of course the two Lelio Popos are here too. Its not a surprise cause they were the main actor. 

The movie was also awesome. Very humourous and have a fresh look. Consider informative cause there are few touching scenes. Seriously this is a good movie to watch if you are going with your families. Friends will do too (as this for the comedy part)! There is one phrase which one of the actor always says that are pretty funny too. "Hao Li Hai Meh?" XD

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