Saturday, November 13, 2010

PBSM Jamuan

Yeah you know, our typical annual "dinner" for our society (whatever you named it) basically suck-a-lot compared to the past years. Well, I don't mind, since playing water is what we came for haha! Anyway, I arrived school early today, VERY early like 15 minutes earlier than what I told the AJKs to come. What make me more sad is that somehow the clock for the AJKs probably aren't working, or mine was set 15 or 30 minutes earlier. Hmm, never mind for that. Starting up the fire for the BBQ was awful. It took basically an hour to like start the fire. It's at LEAST better than last time at Tsu Ann's house party. It took, 3 hours? LOL!

Anyway, the food leftovers were too much especially the chicken and the meehon (or just chicken and meehon XD). Some more the chicken got flies on it (some were in it?). When I heard that, my kak yeh fan want to vomit out already. But that is still fine, since I was kinda full that time so I don't have to risk myself to eat the chicken. So we proceed to the games. The game was by Pn Lim, our "teacher advisor" (GURU PENASIHAT). The game goes like, one people go out and tell 4 things which is true about themselves and 1 thing which is false. When its my turn, I said five things. 
1. I have three blogs (true)
2. I am the smartest guy in the world (surely false, but not taken as a statement by Pn Lim)
3. I like SNSD (true)
4. My house is very big (well, considering the shop below I would say quite big)
5. I wear spec since I was standard five (which is I'm not sure myself)

I did say another five, but I cham with the top five also. So, I'm not really sure what's what. Ah, what the heck!

After that we proceed to cleaning part. All AJK help each other to clean things, the floor, the plates, the cups and the foods. Although the juniors did not take initiative to help, but its still ok. We know you're shy and all those. We were once in your shoes too! And finally, the climax activity of the day.  PLAY WATER! At first all the girls were staying inside the canteen, but then thanks to ME! Lik Hui was the first victim (sorry about that), then Tsu Ann, then Yee Yan and finally Tzu Yee! I think someone was pissed off of me pouring the water right at her face. Never mind lah, its just a game. We're here for FUN and FUN will I grant you. So after all that, we changed and went back home. I forgot to take my shirt back :P


Like I said, it took almost an hour to start the fire. 

and I was picking up small piece charcoals to burn

From far, Nicholas!

They are washing the Hotdogs and Hams. 

Our EX president.XD

The chicken. Looks like redang, taste like redang, smells like poop. 


Yer... =.=


It looks like its full of smoke. Is RIKI there?

Nice background!

Ancient man style of lighting up the COCK BRAND Fire starter...

Photo credits to Kah Wai :P


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