Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back on track!

Did I mentioned that I in the last post that the dinner that we were supposed to go wasn't successful? Well, yesterday night we managed to go there again, with less traffic! We went out around 6 odd but the day was already dark and looks late (probably around 7-8, dawn). Judging from the weather, I guess that we won't be around in this world for long, touchwood! So we were on the highway for about 25 minutes and finally we reached the destination. Thanks to my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sister, my father drove the wrong way and have to U-turn in order to back back on the track. Despite that, we weren't late and still managed to find a comfortable seats at there. There were not much people there at first, mostly malays. When the time getting late, more and more people are coming and still mostly malays too! I bet that people live nearby here knows that the restaurant serves no pork and the HALAL sign is there. 

And again, here comes my big appetite. I took like MASSIVE number of foods (mostly the foods there are seafoods) and ate it all quickly. I was actually waiting for their twelve flavours of ice cream! There are a lot of good desserts, one of it is the Chocolate Fondue. When you put the Chocolate Fondue on top of the ice cream as topping with a stick of biscuit, you can almost skip your dinner already!


Yummy :)

I didn't took much photos (AGAIN!) cause I was busy eating and the environment there doesn't really suits me. Not that their place is dirty, its clean but it just lack something. If you ever going to there, head off to and find out their address! As I know they have two outlets, one near Sunway Piramid and another is at Setapak. See which one closest to you and probably you've earned yourself a stuffed dinner. If you take a look on their foods in the website, scallops were there. But the restaurant I went did not have scallops. Probably they ran out of stocks or only available in the Sunway Piramid outlet, I'm not sure. Anyhow, they do serve foods decently. I probably rank them second so far (out of two steamboat restaurants I've been to! Haha) and the first is still the Lot 10 Shabu One! Their chicken wings are AWESOME! 

My sis

My dad and mom

Me and my mom on the street. 

Oh ya, before I forgot. Did I mention that you have to pay the parking fees if you want to park outside the shop lots? If you're someone who are pretty much particular with these small fees, you can instead park outside of the place and walk in. Don't worry, nobody is gonna chase you away if you enter inside without paying cause its free of charge (only applies if you walk! =D)

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