Sunday, September 12, 2010

Clon's Post - PD Trip

Well so basically you will see most of the photos of me tagged by my cousins for the PD trip is almost all half-naked cause I was swimming that time. So don't bother looking them, LOL! The trip was "magnificent". I am serious. For the first time ever in my life I had this situation. When I first arrived at the resort, there was two police cars outside and a few policemen at the entrance, holding some kind of gun? I'm not so sure. I thought it was just some checking and didn't really care about it. When we checked in, I noticed that the fire alarm thing is ringing. First they say it's a fire drill. But the amount of policemen came doesn't seem so. No Bomba's seen. Around 10 policemen came and an hour later a policeman came with a dog, those kind of police dogs, don't know what to call them. It's like something serious cause dogs are there to trace two stuffs, 1. drugs. Since they evacuated everyone out I don't really think it's drugs. 2. Bomb. This could be the reason but it's far too serious. Who are they gonna bomb? Me? xP

After like 2 hours waiting on the evacuation point ( a large field ), they finally called us back to the resort. Everything seem fine. No explosions or whatsoever. They didn't really tell us the truth because if they do, it will certainly caused panic and the resort confirm lose money 99. The management didn't really compensate us much, other than one hour late in checking out. Total failure man. I mean our police force. Take SO long for them to do things like this. But good job, you saved us. :D

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