Sunday, September 26, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Real

What I love about the DiGi iPhone 4 Plans?
I think I mentioned this before in the first post before. But it's ok, for my new iPhone 4 I shall mention it again :P. As you can see, for the iDigi 88 plan, you will get 200 minutes of voice calls, 200 sms, 20 MMS and 1GB of internet usage. Personally this plan is already good for a people like me or was MEANT for people like me. I don't talk on the phone too much, maybe only around 50 minutes per month. For the sms, well it depends sometimes whether I have somebody to chat or not. MMS? What is MMS? I don't even use it in my current phone and I don't think forever will (even if I get my hands on the iPhone 4, I won't use it too :D). Well now here comes the most important part of the list. The internet usage. I'm not sure whether 1GB is sufficient but I'm an internet freak. I can't live a day minute without internet (a second is a little bit too over XD). To me internet is something magnificent. You can get any kind of information you want with a single click (or a simple tap if it's iPhone 4)! To say the truth, internet occupies 99% of my life. Even during exam days, I do surf the web often. Why? Let's say in my Biology subject, I am not sure about the name of the species and their habitats. All work I have to do is google it and tada~ there it is. So internet is seriously plays an important role in a student's life too. Imagine without internet, all students would be like cavemen. The next one would be THE best thing for people like us to know. We won't get heart attacked by the bills sent. There are no extra charge even after I exceeded the monthly quota of internet usage. How beautiful is that?! As beautiful as Siti Nur Haliza lah (a few years ago la, but she still is pretty now :D). 

Now there is something that I don't really like is the FnF thingy. For all plans (iDiGi 88, iDiGi 138 and iDiGi 238), the number of FnF is fixed to 6. Imagine I have like 8 brothers and sisters, which 6 should I put? Not to mention my parents too. If all I put is my families, what about my friends? I'm talking about this is generally for those who calls a lot. I'm not sure whether I should list this out because this isn't what I love. But I think you should get some users comment so that DiGi could improve better and make more profit than other communication company. I think each plan should increase like by 2 or 4 FnF members. Then it would be balanced. 

Now free calls, sms and MMS is the thing we all wanna hear right? Come on! We are all typical malaysians. Anything that comes with the word "Free" generally attracts us more than the word "Cheap". Personally I have no much of comments about this since it's free and when it's free most people don't complain about it (since its not quality-controlled). 6 Family lines will do just fine. I guess it's somehow a lot too. How can DiGi even gain profit from these plans I wondered. Well the 0% installment fees up to 36 months sounds a sweet deal. As sweet as sugar I would say! Even though 36 months is a little long but everything changed when you have iPhone 4 in your hands. :)

Last but not least, you can always upgrade your plans if you are unsure of your decisions. This is the best part. This not just made the plans consumer-friendly but also let consumer to try and see whether the plan suit them or not. Pretty nice idea I would say. Whoever came up with this is a genius :D

That's all for what I love about the plans. If I have the power to subscribe, I would definitely do. But it seems that my mom don't really let me though :O. I'm just a student, she said. But these plans are all the students ever wanted.

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