Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Difference between Androids phones and the iPhones

This may take a few minutes for you to read it through but be aware that these informations are true and most of them are why Androids phones are going overtake iPhones this year.

"You limited yourself to only comparing the iPhone 3Gs to the Moto 2. Why? Also why isn't the call easy? Here let me help you with facts:

1st - Android offers FULL multi-tasking, not some ripped up save state multi-tasking which isn't multi-tasking at all.

2nd - Android allows file transfer over bluetooth - ANY FILE. iOS on any device does not and has not since the first device.

3rd - iphone 4 get a nice camera with 5MP and a single LED flash vs Android which have 8MP on most, a camera with more settings and you get dual LED flash. And fact as well, the dual LED takes a 100% clear picture even in complete darkness. The iPhone cannot.

4th - Tethering. This isn't a huge deal for me, but could be for some. iphone finally allows tethering of one device. Compared to, road trip with several devices in the car or as many as 8 on some can be tethered all at nearly the same speed. For the same price or FREE in most cases.

5th - Google isn't against rooting the device to unlcok it power. Unlocking it power doesn't take you away from Android. Apple hates jailbreaking because they don't want you getting better apps, better performance, better everything from anyone but them. They want all the money and make an update almost with 48hrs of any jailbreak. Cotrol freaks!!!!

6th - More and better devs.
7th - Several models of phones. Don't like all touchscreen? You can choose a device with a physical keyboard too.
8th - Carrier choice - ATT sux with iphone. None of the Android phone suck. They don't need a bumper to work and the proximity sensor works right out the box.
9th - You don't need iTunes to move music/video to and from the device and...
10th - Android doesn't have a lying Chief Executive Officer
11th - Flash works under 2.2 better than anyone thought it would.
12th - Anything iPhone 4 can do now, I could do 2 years ago.

And many of the fans talk about fragmentation. Really? Lets compare. There are several phones out right now that run Android 1.x and they still do more than the iPhone 4 does right now. All iPhone 4 has is a better screen. How nice to shell out $200 or more just to get a better screen while everything else is basically the same. Oh and you get wireless N instead of most Androids having only G. However, the iphone 4 is not capable of getting the speeds on WIFI that N can push out. It fact the wireless N gets less speed than Apple's older devices using G. 

Its like saying, I have a Ford. I know there are better cars and trucks on the market. But I just love my Ford. They make award winning cars. I get a discount for brand loyalty I don't wanna lose. I'm just to proud to change badges. I'll change wasn't I have a problem and even then I may not. At least Ford didn't need a loan to stay in business...blah blah blah.

Is iPhone simpler to use, or is it so dumb down it makes other phones look harder to use. Android phones are just as simple to use. Its like switching from Windows to OSX. There will be a slight larning curve. Its the same stuff done a different way. The outcome is the same. The phones that use overlays like Moto Blur, HTC Sense UI all make using the devices better than those with just the basic OS. 
Android offers OTA updates. iOS does not.

Yes Apple has a simpler approach to a few things, but they aren't better. They are just different. iOS just has a few better games and apps being out longer. That is its only slight advantage. Without those, iPhone would be just another phone. But now that I have a phone that run Flash, I don't need those games anymore. I can use the free ones that do the same thing as those you buy on iTunes.

Apple stated they had over 1Billon downloads on itunes. How about a break down on what was music, what was video, what was games/apps and what was free and paid game/apps. I am betting the majority of apps were free ones. The same ones I can get free on my Android. I have free turn my turn. I have free Visual VM. I have free tethering. 

Android offers so many pluses, that iPhone would be my last consideration, certainly not the first. I have my very first iPhone. For 3 years I thought I wanted one. now I have one I like everything about it except the phone part. Thus making it an expensive $3000 contract based iPod Touch. I already have an Ipod Touch. I didn't need another one. The phone simply doesn't work. I get dropped calls everyday, at least 10+ per day. Data doesn't work most of the time and I am in a large ATT market. Even when using speaker phone, I can have 4 bars on a call and then it will just drop to one and drop the call and then jump back up to 5 bars. How do you explain that? The bumper is an eye-sore. Mine broke on the very first drop. I will just buy a aluminum back plate now instead of glass.

Here is another better reason. AppleCare which will cost you $20.00 less than the carrier insurance doesn't cover accidental damage. It simply extends the warranty and gets you free replacement earbuds, usb cords and plugs. It doesn't cover anything else. If you drop the phone and it breaks, you either buy a new phone or pay to have it fixed. With every other phone on the planet, the carriers offer coverage...accidental or not. For 6.99 per month I can get my phone replaced FREE. if it gets ran over and I haven't had a phone replaced in a year, the carrier will just replace it instead of making me pay a deductible. And when I do have to pay it $50 to $100. But I get a NEW (Factory Refurbished) device. iPhone the most expensive phone on the market, the easiest one to break doesn't offer any protection. You have to in case it, or you stand to have costly repairs. Sad!!!"
Another user has something to say about the iPhone. Don't worry, it's a short one this time.
"I love the iphone, but three things prevent me from getting one.
1. I could never go back to not having my homescreens exactly as I want them.
2. Safari only reflows text with double tap and I like to choose the font size of the text as my eyesight isn't great.
3. Safari does not have kinetic scrolling so you have to swipe ten times instead of a single finger flick."
Take your stand. And if you don't know what is an Android phone, here it is. For iPhone 4, what you buying is the brand and the OS (iOS 4). Other than that, it's just the almost the same as any other phones available (considering the same price). 

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