Sunday, September 5, 2010

Clon's Post

Hahaha! Oh well so first thing first, happy holiday! And Happy Hari Raya for Muslims, if there are even any here :D. 2 weeks holiday isn't long though, cause almost a month after that then it's our finals. Chill, bros and siss. It's not the end of the world, YET! Before the world ends, come take a look at the all new iTunes 10 :) IF you haven't download/upgrade/patch/update it, do so! It has a little new feature called iTunes Ping. I'm not really sure whether it require money or not but it's worth a try. So what does this ping does? Perhaps lessen your work. iTunes Ping help you to follow certain artists and friend, according to your liking and update their latest activity to you. You could give it a try or google it. Try clicking this link :) it helps a lot! Here Pretty cool, huh?! Hahaha!! 

Other than that, they offers something call Apple TV, to get more information about this go here

Alright, work at McD isn't as bad as you think. For me, as a vat (I don't know what's the correct term but this is what they call me) it is quite relaxing IF and ONLY IF (notice my mathematical reasoning - implication :D) the time is NONE OTHER THAN 12-3. During that time, it's something like horntail in maple, 1v8 in Warehouse or perhaps a simple one, SNSD infront of millions of fans. If you can't picture it, or you have a POOR imagination, it's COMPLETE DISASTER. I have to do quite "few" things. Topup lettuce, or random cut lettuce (there are difference), onion, sundae, clean my place, topup nuggets/mcchicken/deluxe/apple pie/filet and so on, constantly check on the tray to make sure it's always full of products/foods and change the sos/refill. Not too much. Just enough to make you die, literally. :D

Anyway, I know that some of you didn't/don't want to/can't/are blind and didn't saw my status in Facebook, Resident Evil Afterlife 3D is 18. We can either change it to Cats and Dogs : The Revenge of Kitty Galore or Devil or something which you preferred. I personally wanted to watch the Devil but if it's 18, we change loh. What to do. We all under AGE.

I think that should conclude everything I want to mention. I needa get some rest. Tomorrow morning 6 kena wake up, work at 7 :DD. Cya!

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