Sunday, September 26, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Play

Which App from the iTunes App Store that I have seen/tried out is my favourite?
Basically, none. But, I do acknowledge the use of dictionaries sometimes, don't you? Imagine you are outside and all of sudden you encounter a word that you never heard before. Do you think you will bring out your big,old and thick Oxford dictionary out? No! Of course! So my app would be New Oxford American Dictionary by Handmark, Inc. It was produced by Oxford's American Dictionaries Program, and drawing on the expertise of scores of American scholars. Why I say it's my app? Well if you don't know, let me tell you. I'm only a Form 4 student which will soon face my finals on the late of October till mid of November. Furthermore, I'm going to face SPM next year, which people call it (Sijil Paling Menyusahkan). It's THE most important exam that will determine my ups and downs in the future. Whether I would be a famous engineer or just some random guy on the street with no jobs. So this app would really help my in my studies too, indirectly. 

As you can see here, the explanations by the app are more than enough with the pronunciation, whether it's  an adjective word or not, the meaning, an example of using the word and derivatives. It's surely more than enough for you to get what it's trying to tell you.  

The reason why I  choose this app over the others is that not just because of my studies but also because I'm only giving a choice for it. I can only list out ONE (since Nuffnang mentioned App instead of Apps) of my favourite Apps. Of course, there are some game apps which I like too and it's fun. Though it won't really help me in my studies and not just it doesn't help it will decrease my time to study too! So I think this is an App that is suitable for students like me. Therefore this is the only app that I see so far is my favourite (considering my studies as well). Mainly the reason why I must get iPhone 4 :)

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