Monday, September 27, 2010

Nvidia Regional Press in Bangkok, Thailand September 2010.

It is not a stranger to us that Nvidia, one of the largest and powerful multinational corporation which develops graphic processing units (GPU) or commonly known as graphic cards. For those who don't know what exactly what I'm talking about, you may refer to wikipedia or the website itself. And one extra knowledge, just in case you don't know. There are another corporation which servers almost the same as what Nvidia does, developing GPUs which is called ATI. They are commonly knowns as the red side (while Nvidia is called the green team/side). 

As you can see, this gamer is experiencing what we call 3D Gaming. He's wearing a glasses that's specifically only can be used towards some graphic card developed by Nvidia and for 120Hz monitor. Note that the glasses itself already cost hundreds. 

Basically a cool looking chassis (casing) with modern feeling. 

This in the other hand is something that those overclockers-addict out that wanna hear. Overclocking is basically a process that speeds up your hardware with the risk of damaging it's component inside if you over-overclocking and your warranty may void. But doing so can increase your hardware performance. 

GTX 460 is another GPU which just released not more than 2 months ago. It's consider best mid range GPU ranging around RM699-RM900 with its performance to price ratio ranking the top! If you're a full time gamer with low budget, you could consider this too. 

Remember last time I posted a photo and a blog post regarding Eyefinity and how I used two monitors? This is just the same thing and concept. Although it's just by different company. They named it 3D Vision Surround which is quite differ from ATI's Eyefinity. But again, it' the same concept. 

Another difficult easy term for you to know. SLI is combining two GPUs with a wire-like connector. It can boost your performance rate to almost 80% of it's original one provided it's the compatible model to SLI. This on the other hand is just the same concept with ATI's Crossfire which has no difference. 

Now now now, some GPUs picture time. Could be boring to those who aren't interested, but for those who are prepare for "eyes drop jaw wide" contest :D

I personally like the design (quite similar to Gigabyte's GTX 460 1GB)

Palit's GPU. Not a very bad one indeed. 

Now if you noticed, the two big thingy on the bottom is the GPUs. They are SLI-ing with a wire-like connector on the left (orange). The CPU is mounted with Corsair Water Cooling H50 (it's a miracle I remembered the name!)

This is how your motherboard looks like. But this is a high-end motherboard by EVGA. With 4 PCI-E x16 Express and 6 RAM slots. Pricing I think almost RM1k?

EVGA's GPU (GTX 470, GTX 460, GTS 460)

Gigabyte's GPUs. Most people preferred this brand of GTX 460 because it's reasonable and it's fan is very quiet. 

The Gigabyte Super OC GTX 470. Should be pricing around RM1k too. 

Now we come to the last picture. MSI's GTX 460 Cyclone and GTS 450. Superior designs which has some extra cooling effect just by looking it!

Note that I do not own the credit for the pictures. All photos are credited Lowyat.NET and the source is here. I only take credit on the explanations and the details. Enjoy! Fellow gamers (probably not you XD)

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