Sunday, September 26, 2010

A visit to Pabil's House. 1Malaysia Gang? :D

I guess you guys are aware that Pabil invited us to go his house today. Well, it turned out that only a few of us went. Islam, Kesavan, Aliff, Lum, Kah Wai, Joon Leon, Pang, Weng Kai and ermm..who I missed? Oh yeah, myself :D. So it was a great deal of obstacle for me to get here. My father was a little bit pissed off because I don't ask for the directions clearer and earlier. Typical me. But still in the end manage to get there, safely (without my father killing me, of course). Once I reach there I can already see Pang and Lum on the second floor. They were at the outside of the apartment because Pabil's house were occupied by other fella's, namely his relatives. I went up then saw the others. I don't want to explain much over here since you can already imagine it on your own. Take "angpao" those thing. Then we went down to Seripah's house. Amazing! I thought only Pabil lived here (and so does Taman Muda's present headmistress and few other teachers too). Surprisingly, Cikgu Ibrahim (taught us in Taman Muda) was her husband. I couldn't recall his name that time when I saw him but I do find his face familiar. We sat and watched the TV. Baba's :D HAHA! We watched two days one night a while too. (soccer)...and some other programmes. Most interesting thing is, Islam came up with an idea of playing La Ta La Li Tam Pom (it goes with the sound). Whoever lose then eat the sambal. "Epicly", Weng Kai lost three times. XD HAHAHAHA! Hurray for Weng Kai! After that we took a few photos and went back. 

That's all for the trip. Well, I don't say those that didn't go is a loss but certainly you lost some fun here!

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