Thursday, September 23, 2010


Few of you might know I went to take my salary yesterday at McD. I went to McD after I had my dinner which is around 8 when I went there. I walked in and greeted my fellow mates (some of them were Cheok Ming, Jia Chern and Mun seng. Others you don't recognize, probably)
So I start with a picture of me. Not much photos in the album has me inside it because I arrived late and went back early. 

Me, Mun seng, Jia Chern and Kai Shin

Plus Cheok Ming.

My solo with Suet Ee

My solo with Jia Chern. 

The four "musketeers". Just suddenly thought of that word XD.

Here is the album link in case you want to see the other photos. Not all working mate I have is in the photo album. Some taken the salary on Wednesday. So no photos of them. Probably tomorrow we'll take photos, when we go yumcha @ Mamak King. 

If I'm going to the Mamak King, I probably won't attend to school on Saturday. Since Nicholas said that if there are low amount of attendance, we will all transferred to Dewan to hear some useless fished up crap by Koperasi. I'm not sure what but it has something to do with Koperasi. Looks to me it's just gonna be a Asyraf-trick again. In case you don't get what I say, remember last time we had class like this on Saturday too? We used Asyraf to get ourselves out of the Dewan and stay at class to revise Add Maths. If you still don't know what happened, means you either did not come or you are not from our class. XD. 

One more thing, I might be writing more post about recent news (most probably gadgets). I have to keep up with the world too, yeah. So I might keep you guys updated with the new gadgets if you keep on visiting here.....:D

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