Friday, September 24, 2010

Maxis Launches iPhone 4 at Midnight!

I'm not sure if you know. If you do, just proceed on, if you don't let me tell you. Exactly 12a.m. today (which is around 15 hours ago) Maxis officially or rather unofficially because it was only a invitational party launches the new iPhone 4. I'm sure you heard of it (if you don't I seriously am speechless)

As you can see, the lines are already long by the time it reaches 11p.m. So much of Apple fanboys/fangirls. 

This was the entrance where customers wait and have their name called to distribute iPhone 4

Anyone know JJ and Ean from Yup! They are somewhere here....although I don't know which. Perhaps the blue with black shirt and the plain black on the left? :) (THR.FM and My FM were here too)

The official release ceremony. 

These were the lucky fellows that got their iPhone 4 for free. How? Through the review program by Maxis!

There is something that I observed from this picture. Most of them are Chinese? I'm not being racist and say Malays have no money but most of them were Chinese!

Do take note I do not take credit for the pictures. Only the explanations and details. Credits go to the photographer name located in each and every photo. Source news is from Lowyat.NET


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