Sunday, September 26, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Me

Why I want an iPhone 4 from DiGi?
Why would I want an iPhone 4 from DiGi? Well of course the main reason is it's a new phone from Apple, the world best known electronic corporation. Second would be that it's absolutely FREE from DiGi! As you can see, I also did some advertisement for DiGi too (hehehe) about DiGi iPhone 4 event. Another reason would be that I NEED a new phone. If you guys actually saw my phone, it's keypad are 90% broken, the software sometimes go crazy (typical Sony Ericsson) and worst thing is my battery always go nuts! The battery bar is like 50% full but when checked, it's only 10% of battery left. That is why I always take my "dead" phone out. As I know, DiGi is being generous enough too because their iPhone 4 prices are cheaper than Maxis's (other than giving away free iPhone 4. Maxis is pretty stingy too, huh). Not to mention, your montly fee is as low as RM58/month! To me DiGi is delivering opportunities to others to lay their hands on a new iPhone 4. Imagine how cool it is to have an iPhone 4 lingering around your hand. Everyone will be impressed. Oh yeah so my final reason would be that, if I am able to win this contest, I could ask my mom not to waste money for my new phone which I think she still have some consideration to do since we always have financial problem ahead of us. ALWAYS. So is my reasons are sufficient enough? :)



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