Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just when you thought it was a peaceful morning..

Just when you thought it was a peaceful morning, it always turns out that it isn't! Why? I woke up this morning around 8.30. I was satisfied with my 9 hours of sleep because I usually do 6 hours on school days. First thing that came up into my mind this morning was, STUDY! But just like what I did in most mornings I boot up my PC first. Checked my mail, facebook and blog a while then only I started searching for my sejarah text book. You can say I am actually searching for my own way to die. Like always, I have to study infront of my PC cause my other table is full of things (books, belts, my wallet, files, papers and books again =.=). Read the first page about Zaman Paleolitik then facebook and check mail. Then wonder around. Go open TV bringing my sejarah text book. See TV then read abit. Reading from around 10 till now I only managed read 6 pages. And that is I don't even know I could remember all of it!

Ah what the hell! I don't want to study my sejarah lah. Damn epic. I don't want the back of my head to be botak (if you get what I mean)! But I have no choice. Good luck to you guys..

We all have.....

18 days left. 

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