Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bugged Maxis Online Account System

According to some local blogger and founder of Kawanster, Arysan Ismail, a breach of privacy was uncovered on Monday where you logged into your Maxis online account you will randomly logged into another person's account. Once in, you can view a lot of important informations such as phone number, address, emails and even their phonebook! This may seem light to you but this could encourage more stalkers and hackers too. 

“MaxisListens: @arsyan @demonick As a result, customers who logged in to the portal were able to see a TEST A/C which was not a valid Maxis cust’s profile.”
@arsyan The number may be real. However, there is no real association between the profile & user. @demonick
This message was directed to Asyran himself through Twitter by someone influential from the company itself. 
To prove that THIS is not a test account, Asyran texted one of the account's holder himself and found that it was just lies by Maxis all along.

Maxis has not revealed anything yet but so far it's not a good way to promote their name, failed publicity. Feel free to drop by to Asyran's site here

This time Maxis has did something that surprises everyone and kind of surpasses any another telco since the other telcos haven't make such "achievements". Hahahaha!

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