Monday, October 11, 2010

Racist Principal said to be punished, but proves?

Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin today refused to allow a debate in Parliament over the racism issue caused by two school principal claiming that the action has already been taken against them. He did not provide any details on the action against those two. 

 “I have looked through matter and it is of public interest. However, I have been informed that the education ministry and the Public Service Department (PSD) have already taken action against these two individuals... so there is no necessity for a motion.
“I hereby reject this motion,” said Pandikar.
Our Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said that he had no authority in this matter but to allow them to continue their duties. He also claimed that this was because disciplinary matters involving high-ranking civil servants came under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Department (PSD). Only the PSD had power to make decision on this matter.
DAP Advisor Lim Kit Siang demanded an explanation into the inaction against the two principals.

“Two months have passed since the incidents have occurred... but no disciplinary actions have been taken against the two principals.
“This is a mockery towards this year’s national theme, ‘1 Malaysia menjana transformasi (driving transformation)’ and is a step back from the prime minister’s own declaration of zero tolerance towards racism,” said Lim.

Earlier this month, PSD Director-General Datuk Seri Abu Bakar Abdullah told in a press conference in Putrajaya saying that the department had already received a "six-inch thick" report from the education ministry on the matter.

“If there is a case against the principal, then the disciplinary committee will deliberate. A show-cause letter will be issued to the principal and she will be given the opportunity to defend herself,” he had reportedly said.
Despite the government's swif action in the case, controversial rapper Wee Meng Chee or commonly known as Namewee produced a video in response to the incident involving the principals.

I think we should have some explanation towards the punishment for the two principals instead of secretive action which public does not know. We should all be informed of what MUST the racist deserve when they said those deceiving words towards race with their so called highly educated people. Even 3 years old kids nowadays don't practice racism and sometimes feel even better interacting with different races. At least I do. 

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