Friday, October 15, 2010


Tough...tough...tough...and..tough! What so tough about it? Nothing mar just the finals is giving me some headache. Even though it's not that important (so-called because it won't affect anything much other than the marks in the record book), but still it is still an EXAM! For the record, you do get awards if you achieve a good results in the finals. To speak frankly, I never went to take awards or whatsoever other than the PMR award. This shows how epic I am in Form 1,2 and 3. HAHAHAHA! But it's ok. I won't mind. I surely hope this year can at least get some award before leaving the school. Like what LCM did. 

Oh yeah, did I mentioned I can't sleep for two nights continuously (it's quite serious when I don't have enough sleep). Consequently, I can't concentrate much at school and ALMOST fell asleep during Biology. Hahaha! But what to do, kan I rajin. :D

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