Saturday, October 9, 2010

UPSR and PMR to have a new format at 2016?

According to, our Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin revealed that PMR and UPSR will have a new format from year 2016. PMR will be replaced by a school-based assessment while UPSR will have a different format. Whatever happens at all, PMR is GONE! Those lucky little cute tiny prick which are still in standard 3 will certainly be happy when they see this news, for now. But I guess they don't even know what is PMR at their age, well at least I didn't. 

The reason why it is way back to 2016 is because they require some time to implant the new system so that the students will not be burdened by the new format“If we want to improve the UPSR and PMR, it will have to be as early as 2016. It will be for pupils and students who enter the systems in 2011; the first examinations will be in 2016,” Muhyiddin said today during his sweet sweet vacation in Australia. 

“Generally, I can say that many agree that the UPSR should be retained but with improvements while the PMR should be replaced with a school-based assessment.The important thing is that every stage of progress of the pupil and student should be evaluated,” he said.

He mentioned that he will bring this up to the Cainet and details of the improvements would be announced about a week from now (today) or once the decision has been made. He also said that improvement on this new format will consolidate further the quality of education and will not seen purely examination-oriented, like we have now. Lastly, the improvements for UPSR and PMR would involve change in terms of curriculum, books and training for teachers, he said. 

My personal point of view is that first of all, it is a good news. The students will not be burdened just to study for their exam and pay hundred and hundred of ringgits for their tuition fees every month! Although we may not know the outcome or result of this decision but I hope that this would not decrease the quality of our future generation. 

Actually, the reason we are studying now is not solely for the examination but it's the purpose of learning. So what for learning the subjects we don't need in future? For instance, Sejarah. It is not like we will use it in the future and more and more history will be accumulated in the future (if you get what this sentence mean, you are a geekinius). Learn from the past? I would say don't live in the past, see the future. All in all, we wouldn't be affected with the new format by that time and hell, we won't even bother that time. Some may think it is unfair but what to do? Blame your parents for giving birth to you so early. 

Well then. What is your opinion on this news?

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