Saturday, October 30, 2010

DiGi Angels Internet Gathering

And so, just got back from DiGi Angels Internet Gathering at The Grand Modesto's. At first I thought all the Nuffnangers were going to get a few minutes time with the phones they provided (BlackBerry Curve 9300, BlackBerry Torch 9800, HTC Aria, Garmin-Asus A10 and iPhone 4). But the results was quite disappointing. Their blog post content was quite deceiving.

"Not only will you get to test-drive the gadget, you might also be featured on the DiGi website as an official reviewer and keep the phone if the Yellow Man likes your review!"

But before that....

"That’s not the only thing you can look forward to at the gathering though, because there’ll also be opportunities for Angels there to get to review some of the newest, most coveted smartphones on the market."

So anyway, I don't care about that now anymore. My luck was pretty bad already when it comes to travelling to the restaurant itself. Traffic jam from the start to the end. Heavy and I mean, HEAVY traffic jams in KL. The event was delayed, although its written that it start at 7p.m.

When I was there, I was getting pretty awkward because it seems like I'm the only teenage here that time. It's still my first time so gimme a break :P

I snapped a "few" photos before the event started, not quite of a quality but still its watchable.

The iPhone 4 advertisement board in the room. There are two of them!

The overall look of the place. Looks a little havoc but not at all!

The food was nice. I'm not quite sure what this is but I can say it has a different taste than the rest.

Mushroom something....?

At first I thought it was salmon on top, but after I ate it, it doesn't seem like salmon all!

Does this somehow looks like a pile of mayo with some chili sauce on top?

And the event begin...Speech from the co-founder of Nuffnang..I think...

The MC/host. Rob.

James, or was it? Introducing the new Garmin-Asus A10

It has a GPS function. That's why its called Garmin-Asus :P

Google Goggles. I forgot what's that X)

Now what this thing does actually is that you take a photo cover with your A10. It will automatically (or manually by you) search it on the internet and get more informations about it. Interesting? There are one more function which I didn't took photo of it. It is able to translate different language to the language you preferred just by taking photo of it! AMAZINGGGGGG!

If you are one of the lazy people who doesn't like to type much, this handles it all. You talk to the phone and it automatically writes the stuff you talked. Much more like Android Voice-To-Text because this is an Android phone!! Haha!

The Blackberry Curve 9300 and Torch 9800 which they will release soon in the market.

"Which made messaging easy". That is what I heard from him.

A pretty catchy phrase. He was emphasising on the voice fees something? Doesn't matter, the phrase matters more.

And the iPhone representative from DiGi. 

Talks about the plan which we all know it, the iDiGi 88 which discounted and became RM58/month.

The three plans that DiGi offers for their iPhones. "Newbies, Everyday Users and Power Users"

Maxis got owned!

Those who has iPhone that which to upgrade to iPhone 4, you can do it with DiGi NOW!

I Will Yellow You!

It's something like a Doodle Jump just that now it isn't the Doodle that jumps, its the fat Yellow Man! My group mate got the highest points and managed to get our group some freebies...which is....kind of....lets proceed to the next photo XD

DiGi Music Play. It's an Apps. 

Which lets your downloads songs whether its American, Malaysian, Thailand or even Indonesia!

For the price of RM5 per month!! So cheap! Note that it's not pirated musics :P

Now we came to the finalists...the five creative bloggers..

And the winner is...Ho Wei Jie from !! Congratz

The group photo. From left, Vinnie, Stephy, Xiiao Tong (forgot her name ><), Evan and Shannon. If you can't see me, combine this picture with the next. 

Those two I don't know geh >< so yeah, XD

Now come to think of it, the event wasn't so bad afterall. If next time got chance, must try again. Perhaps Tsu Ann, you could join together too. Although its quite awkward, I don't deny that as well...But its ok. First time ma :)

Oh yeah, one more thing. The phones (iPhone 4, A10 and Torch 9800) was selected before the event to some bloggers. Of course, to increase the sales of those phones they will definitely give to the popular bloggers. So left 3 units of HTC Aria and BlackBerry Curve 9300 each. I guessed my luck wasn't good that time. Lucky draw didn't kena me but instead Vinnie got Aria and Stephy got Curve XD. But, THEY HAVE TO GIVE IT BACK 2 WEEKS LATER!! HAHAHA! Have fun with your phones while you still can :)

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