Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Get on board, stand up against child abuse!

Not too long ago, Nuffnang Malaysia posted an article about child abuse. This is what they wrote in the beginning

"Here’s a little true/false exercise for you, Nuffnangers. Take a quick look at the following statements regarding child abuse, and tell us which ones you think are true, and which ones are false:
1. It’s only abuse if there is physical violence involved.
2. Only bad people abuse. Good people don’t.
3. Many children do not know their abusers.
4. Abused children will definitely grow up to be abusers."

Now, have you figured out your answer? All statement above are FALSE. 

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is launching (or launched) the "Get on Board" campaign to raise public awareness about the effect of child abuse. 

This campaign runs for two months rallies everyone with the call to "Raise your hand, stop child abuse now! and aims 100,000 Malaysian in time for the finale on Human Rights Day in December. 

For more info, you can refer to the official website for it here. Remember to sign up and fill in your details. After you do that, you are able to design your hand like what I did here. Nice right? :) I did it all by myself so it's consider hand-made if you ask me. 

An easy 1 minute of work can get you going with a nice and beautiful hand-made hand like mine.
Most people will go "Hey, that's not my problem." or "I don't have to sign up just to show I care!" but remember one thing, child abuse isn't something you should take it lightly. Some case were serious enough to cause death. So if you think your child isn't your problem, be my guest. Go and "kill" your children literally. Not signing up one of these campaign does not mean you don't care. But if you signed up for it, it shows the effectiveness of the campaign and how Malaysians are aware of child abuse nowadays. A few clicks and a little of your time won't hurt much, will it? Though I don't assure that all those that signed up actually care what is child abuse. They just have 
too many spare time to spend with. Unlike me, of course.

Remember, don't ever take child abusing lightly. Uhhh... :D

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