Saturday, October 9, 2010

New skin

As you guys can see, I have change the blog skin, AGAIN. Hopefully this will last longer than the others. But there's always something that seem not perfect enough. I can hardly find any skins that suit my style. Or perhaps I'm looking at the wrong spot? I would appreciate if any of you could give some suggestion towards a few good websites that offers great skins. I would prefer not too many fancy things at the background, not too bright or too dull but consists of "freshy" colours, some simple background and the most important no cartoon cartoon thingy. Haha! Hope I'm not asking too much from the readers. 

Anyway, it is already the 9th day before our finals. But to count in exact time, we don't even have a full day since it is already half day now (5.56 p.m.). Only 8 days and 6 hours left in approximations. So how far have you done in your studies? Most likely not even half of your overall subjects. To speak frankly, I haven't finish mine too. Not even half a half. I thought I was gonna finish my Sejarah chapter 6 and 7 today and proceed to my Biology but it seem that the most I could go is finish chapter 6 and go a little bit forward in chapter 7. Don't worry, I'm "pumping" soon. :)

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