Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hari Anugerah Kokurikulum

Remember the old days, where we wake up asses up on Saturday morning just to go to koko? Now, its payback time! Our school today organized the Hari Anugerah Kokurikulum at school, as always. A total amount of 150 students were there, I guess. You count yourself in the photo below. So what did they gave me for waking up at 9.30 a.m.? PLAIN PAPER!! Oh, I meant the Certificate paper! WTF?

Let's not talk about the paper anymore, its not the point here. The food was still good. The BEEF....surprised me! How? At first I didn't know what is what so I just simply grab whatever I saw since I didn't eat since morning and the feast begun around 1. Once seated, I quickly grab the fork and spoon and feast! Then eat eat ha I saw the meat inside red red dei. I pushed it to the other side of my plate and continued with my rice and chicken which I'm sure its a chicken....or not?

After that, only I realised it was beef. So who is the smartest prick today? :P
The whole event ended at 1.55, everyone went back afterwards. I felt like I wasted 3 hours of my life and I can't take it back. Haiz..

Tsu Ann, for the last time, **** ** already! XD
no offense...=P

The feast was at.....none other than our school canteeeeeennn!!

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