Thursday, October 21, 2010

A voyage out with my dad to 1u

As most you guys knew already, I went out to 1utama to watch the premiere screening of Altitude. So I went there right after my tuition at 7. I was wearing a long black pants with a casual white shirt. Going for a classy (I suppose) shopping complex must wear nice nice. Took us around 30-35 minutes to reach there (my father is a road expert :D). Went to TGV Cinema and collected the tickets. It was only a yellow paper printed with the movie name and some details. There are 2 free popcorns and 2 cokes given for free by TGV Cinema. Thanks, I think. The coke was 99% water, 0.1% of coke taste and 0.9% of gas. The popcorn was still fine, although it's packed-ready and not hot at all. Typical free stuffs, right? 

So the movie starts at 9.05. To be honest, the front front part where they display cast and crews, directors all this and all that, I felt bored. Why? *SPOILER* Because it was plain black background till now almost end only got a sudden white scene. 

The movie was great. I must admit the jokes are quite funny although there are just a little. I guess it was a low-cost production since they spend mostly of their time in the plane. A lot of exciting scenes that will make you go nervous. Well, if you want to know more about the movie go and watch it yourself! I bet you will feel wow at the front to mid part. When in the end, you will feel like "is this what I've paid to watch?" although I got it for free. Hey! Petrol fees need count also lar! 

Went back and reached home around 11.30. Went to bad at 11.35. Woke up at 5a.m. Studied my sejarah. But still epic fail in the exam. Just hope that I won't go much lower than 60. At least a strong B would be good. :(

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