Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After the new mini album out, now only I download it (not in a legal way, but what the hell? XD). True, a real fan don't download it illegally but instead will buy the album directly but have to consider few factors first la...Logically, those who buy doesn't mean they are a true fan but those who doesn't buy doesn't mean they are not fan. So in other words, you can't judge whether someone is a true fan or not :P

ANYWAY, back to the real reason for this. I came to share what I liked from the mini album. Other than Hoot, this is another nice song to hear to (if you like slow and steady). 

Yup! It is Mistake! The song was written by Yuri. No wonder it is so magnificent :) 

Yeahhhhh HAHAHAHA. 

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